Mode of Operations

Learning Light Sees a Change of Direction

Sheffield (UK), April 2010 - Learning Light, a company that focuses on promoting the use of eLearning and learning technologies, has revised its mode of operations. Launched some four years ago, Learning Light originally had a nationwide and international remit to provide bespoke and individual services to help both buyers and suppliers of learning technologies.

While still remaining true to the spirit of this remit, Learning Light has now adopted a number of operational changes in emphasis in light of developments in the UK's corporate eLearning sector as well as recent developments in the British and global economies.

David Patterson of Learning Light explains, "Learning Light's new approach is summarised by the mnemonic 'COMPeL'. This means that we aim to foster Collaboration, Opportunities, Market intelligence, Promoting eLearning, the eLearning centre website, and Leadership from the industry."

To help it with this approach, Learning Light has instigated a steering group comprising key figures from the eLearning sector in the Yorkshire and Humberside region. These include representatives from the eLearning companies Peakdean Interactive (of Sheffield), MyKnowledgeMap (York), I am learning (Doncaster), and PTK Learning (Sheffield).

The steering group is chaired by Dr Maggie McPherson, senior lecturer in ICT in Education at Leeds University - and she is also deputy chair of the Board of Learning Light. Other members of the steering group include Steve Knowles, formerly chair of the governors at Sheffield College, and Richard Lukey.

"We have a strong steering group that provides helpful leadership and an ongoing relationship with Yorkshire Forward", says Dr McPherson. "We're now collaborating with key companies, not just in Yorkshire but throughout the UK. This is helping us not only to facilitate business connections for eLearning companies around the UK but elsewhere in Europe and the USA, too."

"Our aim is to be a force for good, not only by promoting eLearning and eLearning technologies but also by crusading to allow these products and technologies to enable 'hard-to-reach' people - such as prisoners and unemployed young adults - to learn skills that will help them develop worthwhile careers", she adds.