Success Story

Meeting a Global Sustainability Challenge

Brighton (UK)/Amsterdam (NL) - Heineken has developed the sustainability programme "Brewing a Better Future", aiming to become the world's greenest brewer by 2020. Kineo supports this programme with a suite of informative and action-inducing eLearning applications for employees at all levels.

Brewing a Better Future covers a vast range of topics, from strategy through to practical application. Kineo has created short, sharp eLearning modules that deliver the key messages succinctly and give employees clear and practical ways to put their sustainable practice into action. The courses train employees and develop Heineken's public image through the sustainability programme.

Kineo works with Heineken's leaders in their field to get content that works for a culturally diverse audience and reflects the global nature of the Heineken brand family. Building on the Heineken sustainability programme's platform, Kineo develops an identity for the courses that is connected to all the sustainability initiatives and is thus recognizable in any of Heineken's wide range of operations.

Each course is split into three bite-sized components: "Introduction", "Overview", and "Your Contribution".

The Introduction is all about why the topic matters to the user, the business and beyond, and how it fits in to the Brewing a Better Future pyramid. The Overview covers the essentials of the course's topic, with challenges to put the content into practice. Your Contribution is where the learner receives a clear call to action: What can they do to make a difference? This not only covers small, day-to-day changes that will positively affect the environment, but also covers changes in people's attitudes that can create that ongoing difference.

Thus far, Kineo has produced six sustainability modules, some of which are in the process of being translated, and there are more to come. These courses allow Heineken employees to learn about what Heineken is doing, and what they can do to help deliver on the organisation's Brewing a Better Future targets.