ELearning Quality in Focus

Duisburg, May 2005 - The European Foundation for Quality in eLearning (EFQUEL), supported by the European Commission, will be an open and inclusive environment and process gathering expertise in quality development in European eLearning. The European Committee for standardization CEN is involved in eLearning Quailty standardization matters through its ISSS (Information Society Standardization System) unit.

EFQUEL is a new initiative from three successful European eLearning projects (EQO, coordinated by the University of Duisburg-Essen-Germany, Seel, coordinated by Eifel, and Seequel, coordinated by the MENON Network). They approach quality in eLearning from different and complementary perspectives and develop full-scale services for all educational fields, regional contexts and target groups.

The Foundation will serve as sustainable and proactive network and will provide valuable services to the European eLearning community. The Foundation's initiators are EIFEL, European Schoolnet, FIM Newlearning, MENON Network, University of Duisburg-Essen-Germany and the University of Reading. The foundation will take its first steps in the framework of the Triangle project but aims to become a self-sustainable platform.

The eLearning Quality standardisation work in CEN/ISSS addresses the European perspective in the international standardisation work on quality management, assurance, and assessment in eLearning. The activity will provide a guide for Europeans to use the forthcoming international quality description format by providing best practice approaches. The result will be a European approach to global standardization and strengthen the European position in this community.