ICT in Education

Kaleidoscope Member Wins International Service Award

Laxenburg (Austria), October 2006 - Kaleidoscope member Rosa Maria Bottino (Istituto Tecnologie Didattiche, IT) was recently honoured with the Outstanding Service Award in Education by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) for her contributions to ICT in education in Europe.

The IFIP is the leading multinational, apolitical organization in information and communications technologies and sciences and is acknowledged by such international organisations as the United Nations.

"This is a fantastic honor for me personally and as a member of Kaleidoscope. It inspires researchers everywhere to appreciate the role that our scientific activities can play in education," said Bottino about winning the award. She was selected because of her long and outstanding service to IFIP as Vice-chair of the working group Research on Education Applications of Information Technologies, for her engagement as a member of the Programme Committee for several IFIP conferences, and for her work in European projects such as Kaleidoscope.

Bottino was also actively involved in the writing and the dissemination of the Stellenbosch declaration, a position paper of the IFIP Committee on Education, which formulates recommendations for stakeholders and decision-makers worldwide to improve the integration of ICT in Education as a resource for both better teaching and learning and as a preparation of citizens for the Knowledge Society.

In addition to being the author of hundreds of scientific papers that appear in national and international journals, Bottino is the leader of the Kaleidoscope research team TELMa, an interdisciplinary group that explores the design, development, and use of ICT tools in mathematics education in Europe.