ELearning in Europe - Learning Europe

Münster, September 2005 - This new publication contains contributions about the past, present, and future of eLearning in twelve European countries. The papers are written by experts about their respective countries, together with one paper that deals with the subject from a transnational perspective. The main question treated and answered in this book is how digital media have contributed to the development of higher education in different national contexts.

Beyond a mere description of the situation in various countries, the socio-technical approach adopted in this book also offers the opportunity to make comparisons and thus fosters understanding between experts from different disciplines and cultures.

This book takes stock of a decade of digital media in higher education in Europe by presenting a first comparative approach and encouraging discussion by adopting a relativist rather than a generalist approach. Readers are thus stimulated to envisage how eLearning might have developed in their own work and learning context and to shape possible future deployments.

"ELearning in Europe - Learning Europe", Ullrich Dittler, Helge Kahler, Michael Kindt, Christine Schwarz (Eds.), vol. 35, 328 pages, br., EUR 29.90, ISBN 3-8309-1558-6