Elearning for Visually Impaired Persons

Dueren, December 2005 - The main aim of the E-Learn-ViP project is to improve visually impaired people's access to all kinds of elearning services through the development of various resources. It runs from March 2005 to August 2006.

The project output will include:

  • An overview of accessible and methodologically appropriate elearning courses for visually impaired persons in the countries of the project partners;
  • A standardised rating catalogue for internal and external evaluation of key elearning components like learning management systems (LMSs), virtual conferencing systems (VCSs), and multimedia web- or computer- based training software (WBT/CBT);
  • Guidelines on how to develop adequate and target-group-oriented elearning components;
  • Three sample Graphical User Interfaces for key elearning components.

The overview will summarize elearning courses available for blind and visually impaired persons in the European partner countries. The standardized rating catalogue is useful in screening the usability of elearning products for blind and visually impaired people. At the end of the project, this catalogue should be available in Danish, Dutch, English, French, and German.

The guideline will help developers of elearning components create appropriate elearning products - or adapt those that already exist - to the demands of visually impaired computer users. The central point is the methodologically appropriate and barrier-free creation of learning management systems, virtual-conference systems, and multi-media learning contents. Wherever possible, these guidelines will be in accordance with existing standards like W3C and WAI.

The sample elearning environments contain examples for appropriate learning management systems, virtual conferencing systems, and WBT/CBT.

The various target groups of the project

The E-Learn-VIP project is particularly interesting for the following groups:

  • Developers of elearning components
  • Elearning service providers
  • (Vocational-) training centres that offer elearning courses
  • Self-care organisations for blind and visually impaired individuals
  • Employment services

Partnership and cooperation

The project is being carried out by seven training centres for visually impaired people from six European countries. Close cooperation among these partners guarantees a high consensus and acceptance of the project results.

A further strategy to improve the quality of the project results is the involvement of as many key actors as possible. Firms, institutions, and organisations in the field of elearning who are interested in the realisation of the above-mentioned project are encouraged to contact any of the participating organisations for further information.