
Languages for Free

digital publishing Engages in French Education Initiative

Paris (FR), Mai 2007 - digital publishing SAS, the French branch of the Munich language specialist digital publishing, will be engaged in the French Ministry of Education's initiative for the "democratization of information and communication technology". The initiative aims to equip economically disadvantaged and remote regions with a digital infrastructure, enabling France's rural population to access important information and communication technology. » MORE

Virtual Jamming

Strike up the Band Online with Other Musicians

Valley Village, CA (US) / Orlando, FL (US), May 2007 - eJamming is a new subscription service for musicians all over the world that provides them with opportunity to meet to jam online. The software for this service - eJamming AUDiiO - is available as a free download during a public beta. Apart from the software, musicians just need a PC, a broadband connection, an audio interface, and a microphone to participate. » MORE

Summer of Code

Google Supports Open Source Initiatives

Mountain View, CA (US), May 2007 - For the third time in row, Google is organizing the annual Google Summer of Code. It is a program that offers student developers stipends to write code for various open source projects. Google will be working with several open source, free software, and technology-related groups to identify and fund several projects over a three-month period. » MORE

The Future of LMS Market

Kineo Evaluates Results of eLearning Guild Survey

Santa Rosa, CA (US) / Brighton (UK), May 2007 - The eLearning Guild, based in Santa Rosa, CA, recently announced the results of its annual LMS Survey. Kineo, a UK-based rapid eLearning specialist that launched the Moodle Open Source LMS in 2005, evaluates the LMS Survey in an article and shares its views on where the LMS market is headed. » MORE

WebEx Results

First Quarter 2007 Figures: 79% Increase in Net Income!

Santa Clara, CA (US), May 2007 - WebEx Communications Inc., a leading provider of on-demand applications for collaborative business on the web, recently announced financial results for the first quarter of 2007. Net income on a GAAP basis was $16.3 million, a 79% increase over the $9.1 million net income from the first quarter of 2006. Revenue was $107.2 million, an increase of 21% compared to $88.5 million in the first quarter of 2006. » MORE

SOA Integration

SOA Integration

Munich (DE), May 2007 - Munich-based SoftDeCC Software GmbH has launched TCmanager webservices for the integration of service-oriented architecture (SOA). This service, which aims at training portals and eLearning solutions, opens flexible, selective access to administrative seminar data. » MORE

Gender Differences

An Investigation in Selected South African Companies

Port Elizabeth (ZA), May 2007 - Willie Tafadzwa Chinyamurindi from the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University has just completed a Master's research project on eLearning in South African corporations. He will present his results in the conference section "Alternatives and Roles for Micro-Entrepreneurs, SMEs and Large Corporations". » MORE

Success Story

How to Upgrade 22,000 Nurses in Kenya

Nairobi (KEN), May 2007 - In a public-private partnership, Accenture and the African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF) have developed the Kenya Nurses Training Program. eLearning Program Manager Adesuwa Akinboro from AMREF will present this very successful case study in the conference section "Online Learning Opportunities for Health Professionals". » MORE

Civil Servants

Enhancing Training for District Offices in Uganda

Kampala (UGA), May 2007 - "Provide Internet, and They Will Learn How to Use It" summarizes Daniel Stern from Uconnect in regard to his experience with a project that trained 175 officials in ICTs. For CHECK.point eLearning, he gives detailed insight into this project, whose task was to teach remote rural district officers in Uganda how to use computers and the Internet as tools to help them do their work. » MORE

German Cooperation

Capacity Development for eLearning

Eschborn/Bonn (GER), May 2007 - Education and knowledge are the key factors driving national economic and social development. Broad-scale citizens' participation in education processes is therefore crucial for sustainable poverty reduction. In the majority of developing countries, however, only a small fraction of the population has access to education and knowledge, and the educational services on offer are frequently of poor quality and hence not very effective. The problem of insufficient teaching and learning materials is compounded by a lack of qualified teaching staff. » MORE