UOC's eLearn Center

International Scientific Committee Created

Barcelona (ES), July 2012 - With the creation of an international scientific committee, the UOC's eLearn Center (eLC) has made another step forward in enhancing its position as a benchmark research institution for eLearning. This research, innovation and training center, which looks into the most innovative ways of seeing and experiencing eLearning, has consolidated its activities in the three years since its creation and now has a group of renowned experts who offer advice, provide scientific contributions, and raise the profile of the center's activities.

The six-member scientific committee was officially constituted in an event chaired by UOC President Imma Tubella. The members are

  • Ferran Ruiz, President of Catalan School Education Council., who is currently responsible for evaluation and forecasting of ICT in the educational system in the Assessment Board (Department of Education of the Generalitat of Catalonia).
  • Insung Jung, from the International Christian University (Japan), who is a renowned specialist in Quality in eLearning.
  • Martha Stone, from Harvard University, USA, where she develops part of her research on "Teaching for Understanding", together with Prof. Howard Gardner.
  • Sarah Guri-Rosenblit, from the Open University of Israel, where she is the Director of International Academic Outreach and the head of Graduate Studies in Education and member of the Scientific Committee of Europe and North America in the UNESCO Forum of Higher Education, Research and Knowledge.
  • Terry Anderson, from Athabasca University (Canada), who is renowned professor in the area of Distance Education. He is also the author of the famous book "Theory and Practice of Online Learning" and serves as editor of "The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning" (IRRODL, indexed in ISI-JCR).