Higher Education

UK College Chooses Enterprise Study

Cheltenham (UK), March 2012 - Leeds City College, the third-largest further-education college in the UK, is now using Enterprise Study eLMS. The college has implemented Enterprise Study eLMS to better manage their learning and development programme for approximately 1,700 internal staff.

Prior to implementing ES eLMS, the Organisational Development team at Leeds City College had been using a mixture of interim systems since the College's establishment in 2009. This presented a number of challenges in promoting, recording, and reporting on learning and development across the College and was extremely resource dependant.

Although it is early days, Leeds City College already see huge benefits in using ES eLMS. Ann Sullivan, Staff Development Manager, comments, "Given the size of the College, we are keen to maximise the use of technology and resources to provide the highest standard of service for our staff."

"The system provides a fantastic opportunity to have all our training and development in one place and to offer self service to staff. It is time saving, user friendly, easily accessible, in a logical format, and will greatly contribute to the further building of our learning organisation culture."