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University of Salzburg Launches Blackboard Mobile Learn

Salzburg (AT), April 2012 - With the start of the spring semester in March 2012, the University of Salzburg went mobile. The University selected Blackboard Mobile Learn to give students and faculty access to their courses, content, and organizations on a variety of mobile devices.

Vice Rector of Educational Affairs, Professor Erich Müller, explains: "After ten years of successfully using learning platforms at the University of Salzburg, almost eighty percent of all courses are now supported through the Blackboard Learn platform. With the launch of -˜Blackboard Mobile Learn' both students and teachers can access the learning platform anywhere and anytime via smartphone or tablet."

The University of Salzburg created a special website for the launch of Mobile Learn, informing students and staff about the possibilities Mobile Learn offers, as well as instructions on how to download and install the app on their mobile devices. Students and staff will further be made aware of the newly launched Mobile Learn through a widespread billposting campaign on the University of Salzburg campus and via an official email.

In addition, faculty and staff will receive an information folder, and an announcement will be made on the University's website. Last but not least, the higher education insert of the Salzburger Nachrichten, the most important and biggest newspaper in the Austrian federal state of Salzburg, has highlighted the launch of Blackboard Mobile Learn.

"So far, the launch has been a great success. Within the first 48 hours, the app was installed approximately 500 times. On 02 March 2012, just one day after the launch, the number of unique visitors was 663. Richard Posch from the Central Service for Flexible Learning and New Media commented, -œWhat a great start. We are all very excited!"