Cost Efficiency

University of Farmers Campuses Using iPads

Los Angeles, CA (US), October 2012 - Inspired by cost efficiency and capabilities of delivering interactive participant materials, Farmers, America's third-largest insurance group, has invested in iPads for classrooms throughout the campuses of the University of Farmers.

"We have campuses in California and Michigan where we conduct our claims, agents, and managers training," notes Art Dobrucki, Farmers Director of Learning Strategy and Performance. "We realized when using traditional binders for participant guides, there is a great cost, no re-usability, and materials tend to collect dust on bookshelves after classroom training.

Transitioning our materials to iPads lets us create learning materials more cost effectively as our tablets are refreshed and reused for each class. Students personalize their learning experiences through note taking directly on the tablets, and then download their material to their personal computer so that their learning notes are available to reference on the job."

Dobrucki noted that when computers first took off, it took years to reach critical mass. He says today, however, that mobile technology is more rapidly becoming commonplace in our world. "By 2013-14, tablets are forecasted to outsell computers," he adds. "To stay on top of these trends in the classroom, our participants are learning with tools they use daily in their personal lives."

Farmers trains more than 5,000 individuals per year in University of Farmers classrooms. "After seven to eight weeks of classes, the iPads pay for themselves," Dobrucki said. "Another excellent use of the iPads is video. We use the video capabilities of the iPads to record exercises conducted during breakout sessions. We can then bring the recorded video exercises back to the main class and conduct critiques, coaching and debriefing."

Mike Cuffe, V.P., Claims Training and Development has been integrating iPads into claims curriculums for the last two years. Cuffe explains, "We have been utilizing technology to lower our costs of curriculum design, development, and delivery, which has improved our efficiency and the productivity of our learning organization. Another area of improved learning productivity is in the area of real-time testing and evaluation. During class, students receive test questions to send back that are designed to see if the concepts are being understood. This has all kinds of implications for achieving maximum understanding in the classroom."

Students at the University of Farmers are responding favorably to the new technology. "We will be experimenting with other uses of the iPads," said Dobrucki. "We will soon extend support for personally owned devices in our classrooms and are shifting our design to be less focused on formal courses and more accommodating of small learning elements that can be effectively delivered through mobile technology. We continue to study how emerging technologies can enhance our learning experiences here at Farmers."