Screenplay Theory

New Dramaturgy for 3D Video Productions

Karlsruhe (GER), December 2012 - Two years ago, Prof. Ludger Pfanz founded the "Expanded Cinema 3Digital Laboratory", a research center for stereoscopic film and television content established in collaboration with the "3D Alliance Karlsruhe". Pfanz is a 3D thinker who - as a theater and literary critic as well as a director and author with competence in video, film, sound, 3D, multimedia, and stage studio - has thought intensively about all aspects of the topic and has developed a new script theory.

While the demand for 3D content for cinema and TV is increasing, according to Prof. Pfanz there is no realwriting training for the specific space-oriented content that stereoscopic film production offers.

"Right now, we only see movies in 2D with 3D effects - mostly for the emotional intensification of the spectator's experience. These effects often are confused with a new art form, even though they are only 2D/3D hybrids with respect to the storytelling and the drama and do not exploit the high potential of the dramatic possibilities that are inherent in 3D", said Prof. Pfanz in a lecture.

Based on the thesis that when discussing 3D, one should no longer talk about pictures but rather about "stages", and that the space and its coordinates already have to have meanings assigned in the script, Ludger Pfanz has developed a 3D script theory. His 3D-Story Model and 3D dramaturgy not only develop tension on the timeline - i.e. in time - but simultaneously develop horizontal, vertical, and parallax tensions. From this perspective it is possible to create the narrative conflict architectonically within the entire three-dimensional space.

Prof. Ludgar Pfanz will speak at the LEARNTEC Conference about the changing requirements of the imaging work in 3D video productions on 29 January 2013 at 3 pm.