UOC eLearn Center

Doctoral Programme in Education and ICT

Barcelona (E), January 2013 - The eLearn Center, a research centre created by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) that focuses on eLearning, has opened its admission process for 2014 for enrolment in its Doctoral Programme in Education and Information and Communication Technologies (eLearning). From 2009 to 2013, research projects are based on the Time Factor programme in order to contribute unpublished research to the scientific progress about this issue.

As an institution opened to students from all over the world, the eLearn Center welcomes PhD students from European countries integrated into the Bologna process who wish to develop their research in a highly internationalized and qualified environment.

Within its research, the centre offers three main lines:
I) Learning processes mediated by information and communication technologies;
II) Organisation, management and policies in the area of eLearning;
III) Educational uses of technological developments for eLearning.

Exhibiting a clear intention to become a leading centre in eLearning research, the eLearn Centre has programmed several experts' and fellow-members' stays.

These include

  • Fostering a Learning Culture and Strategies toward Excellence, carried out by Dr. Donald Hannah (University of Wisconsin, United States).
  • Comparative Higher Education and Distance Education
  • , carried out by Dr. Sarah Guri-Rosenblit (The Open University of Israel).

  • Learning Processes Mediated by Information and Communication Technologies by Dr. Lalita Rajasingham (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand) and Dr. Jakko Van der Pol (Utrecht Universiteit, The Netherlands).
  • Research in Learning Technologies in eLearning by Dr. Agostino Marengo (Università degli Studi di Bari, Italy).
  • Research in Technological Resources for Learning by Oscar Tomico (Technische Universiteit, Eindhoven, The Netherlands).
  • Research in Management and Educational Organization by Dr. Frank Owarish (International Institute for Strategic Research and Training, IISRT, United States).
  • Research in the New Technologies Field by Dr. Serguey Yurish (International Frequency Sensor Association).
  • eLC Visiting Professors carrying out individualized counsellings on Diffusion in eLearning Research and Publications (done by Dr. Paul Kischner, Open Universiteit, The Netherlands).
  • The eLearn Center has received counselling on Management Design of Skills for Educational Direction of ITC carried out by Dr. Ileana de la Teja (LICEF Research Center, Tele-university, Canada).
  • Short time counselling about Thesis Research Methodologies by Dr. Alejandro Armellini (University of Northampton, UK); Scientific Dissemination by Dr. Som Naidu (Charles Sturt University, Australia); Virtual Learning by Dr. Insung Sung (International Christian University, Tokio), and Analysis of Connectivism as an Educational Resource by Dr. Terry Anderson (Athabasca University, Canada).