Streamlines Processes

Course Automation at The University of Arts London

Lancaster (UK), January 2013 - The University of the Arts London, world renowned for art, design, fashion, communication, and performing arts, dramatically changed their course booking systems for short courses in 2009. Three years on, the benefits speak for themselves.

Jo White, at the University explains, "The accessplanit Course Manager system has dramatically changed our business, providing us with an integrated system that streamlines processes, reduces manual administration, and allows the business to focus on new opportunities and growth."

The University comprises of six well-known colleges including Central Saint Martin's College of Art and Design and the London College of Fashion. Running in excess of 3,500 courses for 25,000 students, the booking and management was managed using a number of internal systems, with administration variances across each college. This laborious administration and duplication was stifling the University's ability to market courses effectively, leaving them little or no time to communicate with their customer base.

The story today is very different. The University continues to see clear return on investment, and the marketing team has embraced the Course Manager system's e-marketing and SMS functionalities, which encourage dialogue with their existing students and potential new business.

Jo White continues, "Since launching, we've completed a series of exciting development programmes with accessplanit that have enhanced the system to meet our specific needs. Throughout this journey, our relationship remains positive, and we appreciate their expert technical knowledge and flexibility. We are delighted to extend our contract and look forward to continuing our relationship."