Towards Maturity

Over 70% of Companies Plan to Implement mLearning

London (UK), February 2013 - The In-Focus report, commissioned by Upside Learning, uses independent research findings to highlight practical ways to implement m-learning successfully. Mobile research by benchmarking company Towards Maturity highlights how over seventy percent of companies from the Towards Maturity Benchmark Study 2012-2013 of 500 organisations, are planning to implement m-learning in the next two years.

A free sixteen-page In-Focus report entitled Mobile Learning at Work identifies the key trends in m-learning, helping organisations understand how their peers are using this growing learning technology and how to plan effectively. The independent report, uncovering new research findings, was commissioned by Towards Maturity's Ambassador, Upside Learning, a globally recognised leader in training outsourcing, custom eLearning, mobile learning, and learning-management systems.

Full of practical information, the In-Focus report is designed to help both companies that are new to m-learning and those wishing to learn from organisations that are achieving substantial benefits. The report highlights that organisations using mobile technologies in learning are reporting more staff and business benefits than those who are not. A total of 34% of mobile users report that eLearning has contributed to improvements in organisational productivity (compared to 20% of non-mobile users), 25% report it has made a significant contribution to increasing organisational revenue (compared to 20% of non-mobile users), and 29% of mobile users agree that learners put what they learn into practice quickly (compared to 24% of non-mobile users).

Laura Overton, Managing Director of Towards Maturity, comments on the current mobile usage in learning, "Even though some large organisations have started using mobile technology to empower their workforce, for most the question still remains - how do we actually use it in the workplace? Training departments are unsure how to design, develop, and implement a successful m-learning strategy that works for their organisations. This Towards Maturity In-Focus report gives practical ideas to help address the perceived challenges faced, build confidence in the results, and support the implementation of m-learning in the workplace. I encourage L&D professionals to download the report and use the checklists to review their m-learning approach."

Usage of mobile devices in workplace learning has been tracked by Towards Maturity since 2006. Data in the Towards Maturity In-Focus report has been drawn from the Towards Maturity 2012-13 online Benchmark study, with contributions from over 500 learning and development professionals spanning 28 industries and 37 nations.

The report reveals the industry sectors with the highest use of mobile devices are consultancy (80%); commercial training providers (60%); further and higher education (55%), and IT and telecoms (55%). Private-sector organisations are more likely to be using m-learning than those in the public or not-for-profit sectors.

Amit Garg, Director of Custom Learning Solutions at Upside Learning, said, "Mobile learning is now on the agenda of many organisations, but there is a lack of independent research and evidence in the market to help organisations plan and execute their strategies appropriately. The Towards Maturity In-Focus report offers deep insights into learning scenarios, debunking some of the myths hampering the adoption of this technology and helping organisations adopt m-learning in a way that delivers results. Sponsoring and supporting this report was a great learning opportunity for us, too."