Good Practices

Personal Learning Environment for Doctoral Students

Barcelona (E), July 2013 - The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) is leading an international project that includes Kenya's Kenyatta University (KU) and the Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP). The goal is to improve doctoral programs through the use of digital technologies, focusing especially on the supervision of doctoral students and the visibility of research and researchers.

Within the framework and support of the LEADHER program of the International Association of Universities (IAU), the three institutions have initiated this project in order to explore how the use of ICT can strengthen research and management capacities. Of special interest are those technologies that facilitate active participation, the sharing of information, and collaboration among doctoral students as well as between supervisors and students.

The proposal is based on the development of a personal learning environment, taking into consideration the special needs of doctoral students. Through these low-cost, open and highly flexible, virtual spaces, it will be possible for doctoral students to give visibility to their research far beyond traditional academic channels. It will also facilitate the citation and research impact, make possible the participation of other experts, and improve the supervision process of mentors and tutors.

To achieve this goal, two learning visits are planned: the Catalan team (UOC and ACUP) will visit KU in Nairobi, and representatives of KU will come to Barcelona. The objective of these visits is to share experiences and explore possibilities for using these technologies in order to enhance e-supervision. The UOC, a fully online university, provides almost twenty years of ICT experience in higher education. KU is incorporating new PhD delivery models and supervision methods while contemplating online solutions. The ACUP provides its experience working in European/African cooperation projects and in the specific area of doctoral education in Africa.

Following the open philosophy of this project, the entire process can be followed through the blog, where further information on the project and the partners is also available. Active participation by interested individuals is also possible and strongly encouraged.