Two new online Surveys

Thessaloniki, November 2005 - CEDEFOP is currently seeking answers to questions about "eLearning, citizenship, and personal development" and "Competence development in organisations". The surveys are short, but the goal is to make a significant contribution to the understanding of these complex inter-relationships.

"eLearning, citizenship and personal development"

This survey is being conducted as part of the HELIOS project in collaboration with the European Commission. HELIOS aims to establish and consolidate a sustainable observation platform able to dynamically monitor the progress of eLearning in Europe vis-à-vis policy objectives and to forecast future scenarios of eLearning evolution.

This is the third of six thematic surveys to be carried out during 2005 and 2006. By completing this short survey, you will be making a significant contribution to the understanding and measurement of the current situation of this particular area of eLearning in Europe.

All information provided by any individual or organisation will be confidential, and no-one other than those responsible for carrying out the survey will have access to the information provided by individual respondents.

"Competence development in organisations"

The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) is launching a follow-up online survey entitled -œCompetence development in organisations- within the European Union. This follow-up is specifically aimed at respondents in companies.

The goal of the survey is to inform you about the state of play regarding competence development within companies in the EU.

Your participation is essential in collecting data. The analysis of the data will be conducted by Prof. Dr. Martin Mulder, Professor in Education and Competence Studies at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. If you are interested, you will receive a summary of the results in your email box.