Educational Technology

Austria and Canada Offer Graduate-Level Program

Linz (AT) / Vancouver (CA), March 2007 - The University of British Columbia at Vancouver has been offering an online graduate level program on the development and perspectives of eLearning for several years. The Master of Educational Technology (MET) program is meant for teachers in secondary education, university, and polytechnic lecturers, as well as for trainers and HR officers who work in adult education. Now an introductory course on the MET program can be taken via the Center for Distance Learning at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria.

Apart from topics like didactic approaches, the program addresses criteria for appropriate learning environments for eLearning or blended learning programs, as well as economic aspects. The restructuring of the participant's own eLearning course can be arranged instead of the MET course.

The Center for Distance Learning at the University of Linz is arranging this program and offers its own introductory course, called "Flexible Learning - From Claim to Reality". This course includes pedagogical, psychological, and economic topics on the changes on teaching and learning requirements as a consequence of the application of eLearning.

The course is meant as an entrypoint to the MET program and is accredited as one of six electives. It will be offered as of summer semester 2007. Course accreditation in the framework of the MET program is granted if two requirements are met: the inscription at the University of Linz and the acquisition of an LV certificate. Applicants are required to possess a four-year university degree and demonstrate adequate English knowledge through an acceptable score on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).

The course is based on a blended learning method, starting with a kick-off event on 20 and 21 April 2007, six weeks of online mentoring, and a final meeting on 13 and 14 July 2007. The integration of lectures via video conferencing with the Canadian partner is planned as well.