MIT World Video

John Seely Brown Lectures on "Relearning Learning"

Cambridge (US), April 2007 - In a lecture entitled "Relearning Learning: Applying the Long Tail to Learning", John Seely Brown elaborates on the changing face of learning. His opinion: "We learn through our interactions with others and the world", he says, "and there's no more perfect medium for enabling this than an increasingly open and organized World Wide Web".

Cambridge (US), April 2007 - In a lecture entitled "Relearning Learning: Applying the Long Tail to Learning", John Seely Brown elaborates on the changing face of learning. "We learn through our interactions with others and the world", he says, "and there's no more perfect medium for enabling this than an increasingly open and organized World Wide Web".

"In a digitally connected, rapidly evolving world, we must transcend the traditional Cartesian models of learning that prescribe 'pouring knowledge into somebody's head' ", says Brown, former Chief Scientist, Xerox Corporation and Former Director, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC).

A video of Brown's lecture can be downloaded from MIT World's website.