New Publication

Study Explores Training and Development

London (UK), April 2007 - The findings of a new study into learning, training, and development based on 58 case studies of learning and development across nineteen countries are published in 'The Changing World of the Trainer - Emerging Good Practice', written by Martyn Sloman.

In this new book, Sloman, who is a learning and development adviser at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, concluded, among other things, that national culture has become an overused term that is potentially damaging in the world of learning and training. In reality, the key to delivering effective training on a world stage is to adapt to context, of which national culture is just one small part.

Martyn Sloman said: "In the modern service-led and knowledge-driven economy, we are competing in similar ways. Once they have the disposable income, consumers throughout the world demand the same goods and services.

"Organisations, wherever they are located, are trying to move up the value chain in similar ways, and the same workforce competencies are emerging. Learners may come from different starting points and bring different baggage to the learning environment - China offers one good example of this - but national culture is only one variable that determines starting points and levels of receptiveness.

"'Context' is a far more useful term. Adjusting to the context in which learners operate is one of the most valuable skills of a learning and development professional. Too great a focus on culture is unnecessary and runs the risk of obscuring more important issues. Background and life and work experiences are bound to lead to different starting points and different receptiveness, but good trainers recognise and accommodate this reality."

Other themes covered in the book include:

  • The potential contribution of eLearning and the dangers of becoming seduced by technology .
  • The rise of coaching, action learning, and less formal methods of learning.
  • The importance of demonstrating value and the need for new approaches.

The case studies featured include:

  • Dublin City Council
  • Piccadilly Supermarkets and Economedia , Bulgaria
  • Just Born, a confectionery Manufacturer in Pennsylvania
  • Diesel Europe
  • The State Grid College and the Nan Yang Campaign from China

Martyn Sloman will be speaking about the research findings in the book at the CIPD's annual HRD Learning and Development conference, which runs from Tuesday 17-19 April 2007 at ExCeL London.