
Last Call for Entries - Medea Awards 09

Roosbeek (BE), September 2009 - Submissions to the MEDEA Awards 2009 are arriving daily and are well up on the numbers received for 2008. Furthermore, they include submissions from countries new to the competition like Latvia, Ukraine, and Israel.

Everyone who produces video, audio, and multimedia-based learning and teaching materials is invited to submit an entry to the MEDEA Awards. The main criterion for entry is that the multimedia project, production, or service submitted must make use of images and/or sound to support teaching and learning. Entries by teachers and learners are particularly welcome. Participation is free, and the call for entries closes on Wednesday 30th September 2009!

Due to the increased number of entries for the MEDEA Awards this year, the MEDEA Organising Committee is urgently looking for more jury members who can judge entries in German, French, or English. More information about being a judge is available from the MEDEA web site.

There is also a new MEDEA channel available on YouTube showing interviews with previous entrants, including several 2008 winners as well as samples of entries from 2008. The MEDEA website now includes background stories and information on many of the 2008 entrants and award winners. This growing resource provides examples and resources to others interested in producing media for use in an educational setting.

The MEDEA Organising Committee further announces that Adobe has agreed to continue its sponsorship of the MEDEA Awards and will be offering copies of Production Premium CS4 to competition finalists.

The MEDEA Secretariat has launched the Media in Education Newsletter, a monthly roundup of news and information related to the use of media in education. This newsletter provides a channel to distribute information to and about the growing number of organisations that are members of the MEDEA network of National Contact Points and are promoting excellence in the use of media in education.