
Dutch Business School wins ISO Award for HE

Cape Town (ZA)/Rotterdam (NL), October 2009 - The Rotterdam School of Management of the Netherlands' renowned Erasmus University has been declared the winner of this year's ISO Award for Higher Education in Standardisation. The award was presented at the 32nd ISO General Assembly in Cape Town, South Africa.

Dr. Ir. H.J. de Vries, Associate Professor, received the award on behalf of the international business school for its standardisation programmes covering both graduate and undergraduate degrees. Dr. George Arnold, ISO Vice-President (policy) and Chair of the selection committee, which unanimously designated the Rotterdam School of Management as the winner, said that the committee was particularly impressed by:

  • The integrated approach of the programme, combining self-learning and lectures, and encompassing Bachelor's to Master's levels.
  • The link between research on the impact of standardization and application of that research in the marketplace. This included the strategic benefit of standardization to business.
  • The diversity of the pedagogical tools developed and used for the programme, with a particular emphasis on research and business relevance.
  • The thrust placed on practical experience.

The award comprises a certificate of appreciation and a cash prize of 15,000 Swiss francs. It is co-sponsored by ISO and the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), Japan's ISO agency.

The Rotterdam School of Management was one of six finalists. The other 2009 award finalists were:

Belarus: Belarussian National Technical University

Egypt: Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT)

France: Ecole Internationale des Sciences du Traitement de l'Information

Republic of Korea: Chung-Ang University

Ukraine: National University of Life and Environmental Science of Ukraine.

The next award will be made in 2011. It alternates with the Helmut Reihlen Award for young standardizers in developing countries and economies in transition.