Education Summit

Intel Supports Project-based Learning in Europe

Bucharest (RO), November 2010 - (by Elena Lita) During this year's edition of the Intel International Education Summit held in Bucharest, Romania, Intel announced plans to deploy the "Intel Teach - Elements" series in localized, translated versions in French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, and Turkish starting the fourth quarter of 2010.

This year's Summit was the seventh such annual event organized by Intel worldwide and gathered approximately a hundred government officials, teachers, education specialists, opinion leaders, and journalists from all over the world. It was the first time Intel has organized the summit in a country in the Central and Eastern Europe region.

"With these new Intel Teach courses, we are able to align our strategy to the expectations of education systems for shorter, just-in-time, interactive online content in support of more project-based 21st-century education", said Danny Arati, Education Manager Europe, Intel, during his keynote presentation at the Summit.

The "Intel Teach - Elements" series are a suite of high-interest, compelling short courses for teachers that provide deeper exploration of modern learning concepts like project-based learning, assessment of 21st-century skills, and collaboration using Web 2.0 tools. Some of the benefits of these online series are fast professional development for busy teachers, the possibility to deliver the courses online or in face-to-face format, and also user-friendly content for easy introduction to online courses.

The first course of the series, Project-Based Approaches, aims at helping teachers improve the way they understand and apply project-based learning in the modern classroom. The course has five modules ranging from a general overview of what projects mean to proper planning, progress, and monitoring based on students' needs.

Intel plans to extend the list of localized versions of its Teach Elements Project-Based Approaches series in Europe, including states from Central and Eastern Europe. "As the Central and Eastern Europe region is successfully moving towards global competitiveness, it is critical for their education systems to meet the expectations of today's and tomorrow's environment", Danny Arati added.

Intel and the Romanian Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports signed a collaboration protocol during the Summit for the training of 60,000 Romanian teachers. It foresees that between 2010 and 2013, 60,000 teachers who work in primary and secondary education will be trained online in the design, development, and evaluation of didactic projects. The courses will be online, on the Intel Teach Advanced Online platform, and will be certified by the Education, Research, Youth and Sports Ministry. Participation is free and open to teachers in all specializations.

The training of teachers in Romania will start immediately and will take place in the context of a social and professional networking platform on which teachers will be able to share ideas and resources to keep in touch with peers from other countries and to create solutions for the classroom.

The first module available in Romanian is the Intel Teach Elements Project-Based Approaches that is already successfully used by 200 teachers on the platform under the guidance of the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports. This first module will be followed by five others that deal with all the aspects of teaching and learning in the 21st century.