EFMD Global Focus

The Path Ahead and Excellence in Practice

Brussels (BE), December 2010 - The latest issue of Global Focus titled "The Path Ahead" is out now, stressing two distinct but interlinked themes: the current state of business schools as businesses and the challenges of producing a new generation of business leaders. A special issue on "Excellence in Practice" is also available, with contents covering outstanding and impactful partnerships between businesses and educational organisations.

Each article is available for downloaded as a pdf document as well as an audio file.

Global Focus is the business magazine of the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD); it provides in-depth updates on the international management- development community and features topical reports and insight from leading experts. The EFMD community reaches over 500 business schools worldwide and 100 large European corporations.

A total of 4000 copies of the magazine are printed and distributed to senior personnel including Chief Learning Officers, HR Directors, corporate university heads, business school heads, deans, and executive education directors from across the international network. A pdf version of the magazine is available through the EFMD website and is distributed to over 20,000 contacts across the network. Since January 2010, an audio version of Global Focus has been available online and on iTunes. A Chinese version has also been produced and is widely disseminated to EFMD's member schools and contacts in China.

EFMD has also recently signed agreements to disseminate copies of Global Focus through ProQuest Information and Learning, a world leader in collecting, organizing, and publishing information for researchers, faculty, and students. The work is to be distributed to libraries and schools, as well as through the AIESEC international network, which reaches over 30,000 students worldwide.