
EDEN Website with New Design and User-friendly Features

Budapest (HU), June 2011 - The website of EDEN - the European Distance and ELearning Network - has undergone a facelift. The portal reflects the Association's commitment to openness and user friendliness for enhanced networking.

Refreshed in the Association's twentieth anniversary year, the website provides easy navigation. The innovative design is supported by award-winning open-source technology and encompasses changes requested by users. It provides structured and quick access to information on academic publications, including high-quality articles of the European Journal of Open, Distance and ELearning as well as the latest news on events and results of European projects. launched its online networking and community service for members in the Network of Academics and Professionals (NAP Area) last year, which has now been integrated into the public website. The portal features an impressive collection of conference keynote presentations and research papers published via the EDEN Conference Proceedings.

With the new portal, EDEN substantially improves communication services for members and partners, including social online community services such as Facebook, Twitter and Slide-share.