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CEDEFOP'S Forecast on Future Demand for Skills

Thessaloniki (GR), April 2008 - Cedefop's study on the medium-term demand for skills, Future skill needs in Europe, the conclusions of which were presented in a high-profile conference at Cedefop, is now available free of charge. The publication reveals the employment impact of structural change across sectors and occupations.

This is why the projection of qualification requirements has moved to the top of the European education and labour market policy agenda. Labour markets evolve quickly, and new jobs are emerging, especially in the service sector. If we are to avoid skills mismatches, workers need to be redirected toward the expanding sectors and occupations. This leads to rises in qualifications requirements across the board and consequently in initial and continuous training demands.

Cedefop intends to produce forecasts of skill needs on a regular basis. In the coming months, the project will be examining emerging skill needs in two specific sectors: health care and environment.