Fifty Ideas for 'Free' Elearning

Brighton, December 2005 - UK elearning consultancy Kineo stirs things up with a free report that describes open source tools for elearning called "50 ideas for Free elearning". The gratis software described includes authoring tools, learning management systems, survey tools, wikis, blogs, and virtual classrooms.

The report lists fifteen free and open source software tools and fifty ideas on how to use them in cost-effective elearning programmes. Kineo is working with large organisations developing elearning strategies in key areas such as leadership, sales and customer service, and compliance training. There is an increasing focus on cost efficiency, which has led Kineo to look at the potential for open source and other cheap or free tools for elearning and how these can be applied as part of blended learning strategies.

Among the free tools the report mentions are Moodle, Mambo, Atutor, Blogger, Seedwiki, Powownow, Omea, Wink, Skype, Hot Potatoes, Survey Monkey, and Audacity.