Five Primary Catalysts

Mobile Learning in Brazil Spikes to $1 Billion by 2019

Seattle, WA (USA), June 2015 - Revenues for mobile-learning products and services in Brazil reached $338.3 million in 2014, according to a new report by Ambient Insight called "The 2014-2019 Brazil Mobile Learning Market." The growth rate is a robust 25.7%, and revenues will surge to over $1.0 billion by 2019. Brazil generates the largest revenues for mobile learning in Latin America. Revenues in Brazil are four times higher than Mexico, the region's second-largest buying country.

"The spike in revenues for mobile learning products in Brazil is due to five primary catalysts," explains Chief Research Officer, Sam S. Adkins. "These include the strong demand for custom content services; the migration to mobile formats by the major education publishers and providers; the adoption of tablets in the academic segments; the continuing boom in the demand for mobile-learning value-added services (VAS); and the massive demand for mobile-learning content in the consumer segment."

There are two sections in this report: a demand-side analysis and a supply-side analysis. Additionally, there is an index of suppliers competing in the region. The demand-side analysis for Brazil is broken out by six buying segments: consumers; federal government agencies; Pre K-12 school systems; state/municipal government agencies; higher-education institutions; and corporations and businesses.

"Consumers are the largest buyers of mobile learning in Brazil by a wide margin," comments Adkins. "Consumer buying behavior in Brazil is being driven by several factors, particularly a spike in the demand for mobile edugames for young children and the huge demand for mobile English-language learning content. In the consumer section of the demand-side analysis, the combined expenditures on packaged content and mobile-learning VAS content are broken out by nine subject categories."

The supply-side analysis breaks out revenues by four product types: packaged digital content, value added services (VAS), custom content development services, and authoring tools and platforms. Packaged mobile-learning content includes educational apps, edugames, eBook-based reference ware, and eTextbooks.

"The two product types with the largest growth rates in Brazil are custom-content development services and mobile-learning apps (and edugames) at 29.2% and 25.5%, respectively," reports Adkins. "Revenues for custom-content development services will quadruple by 2019. Revenues will more than triple for packaged mobile educational content by 2019."

Over 135 suppliers operating in Brazil are cited in this report to help international suppliers identify local partners, distributors, resellers, and potential merger and acquisition (M&A) targets.

"Despite an anemic economy, the market conditions are quite favorable for mobile-learning suppliers in Brazil," adds Adkins. "Although there are near-recessionary market conditions in the country, the mobile-technology industry is quite healthy, and the demand for mobile learning is in a boom phase."