New White Paper

Open Badges: Portable Rewards for Learner Achievements

York (UK), October 2012 - MyKnowledgeMap has announced the release of their latest white paper entitled "Open Badges: Portable Rewards for Learner Achievements", which outlines how adopting Mozilla's Open Badges initiative can add value to assessment and learning.

An information site is also available that allows anybody who has read the paper to earn a badge - "Open Badge Awareness" - and experience the technology in action. Open Badges are designed as an easy, web-friendly way for individuals to display their achievements, skills, and knowledge to potential employers, centres of learning admission tutors, and other interested parties.

Organisations using MyKnowledgeMap's tools would, in the future, be able to automatically award Open Badges to people who meet a pre-defined quality standard when they take an online or mobile assessment.

Employers and others who view the badge can then click the icon to securely verify who issued the badge and the criteria the person displaying it has met.

Topics discussed in the white paper include

  • how the new technology works
  • what the opportunities are for educators, employers, legislators, and standards-setting bodies
  • potential for use in assessment systems, ePortfolios, national skills infrastructures, online learning, and capability management .