Staff-generated Input

The Role of eLearning in Improving Healthcare Services

London (UK), June 2013 - Webanywhere has produced a white paper in response to the Francis Report, which highlights how eLearning can help meet the recommendations set out by Sir Robert Francis QC. The Francis Report was published in February to help the healthcare sector avoid the issues uncovered within Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust. It cited failings in patient care and a system of secrecy, defensiveness, and lack of adequate training. Webanywhere, a provider of eLearning systems for businesses, developed the paper to show healthcare organisations how eLearning can help with the implementation of the Report's recommendations.

The paper, entitled The Francis Report: the Importance of Transparency in Training, considers staff-generated content, 360 appraisals, consistency in training, and training audits.

Conor Gilligan, Head of Operations at Webanywhere, points out, "Staff-generated content allows employees to report back on their experiences and any issues they see in the workplace - which in turn can enrich and add value to training of all staff. Keeping training consistent ensures the 'common set of values' the Francis Report suggested were an essential element of training and education are always present. eLearning systems allow training to remain consistent across the board - and in particular they help keep track of training. Training audits are much easier with an online learning system and in particular allow organisations to have an accurate overview of how consistent, effective, and well used training systems are."

"We hope that this new white paper will help leaders, business owners, and professionals in the healthcare industry. The Francis Report covered many issues that can be addressed with the right training and education - and we believe investing in eLearning in the four areas we've covered will mean organisations will get maximum benefit from training."

Webanywhere has worked with many businesses to build effective eLearning systems that give quantifiable results, in particular at the University College London Hospitals. "Having worked with UCLH to provide their Moodle system, we feel eLearning is the perfect way to optimise good training practice."

As an official Moodle and Totara partner, and with 3,500 customers worldwide, Webanywhere has extensive experience in eLearning. Its latest development, the compliance module, allows businesses to accurately track and report on learning and training within their eLearning system.