
Current Podcast

How Microlearning Can Deliver Competitive Advantage

Saarbruecken (GER), March 2018 - While training within an organisation can be delivered in many forms, like face-to-face training or standard eLearning modules, microlearning nuggets have become increasingly popular. They support learners on the spot and effectively empower them to do their job with improved performance.


UpsideLMS's Latest Video Series

The Most Pressing Questions in Learn Tech

Pune (IN), March 2018 - "One Question, Many Perspectives", the latest video series by UpsideLMS, provides answers to some of the most pertinent L&D questions and challenges faced by businesses worldwide.


Craig Weiss

"Growth Engineering Is the #1 Gamification Learning System"

Berkshire (UK), March 2018 - Craig Weiss is a learning-technology analyst known for the eLearning 24/7 blog and his annual Top 50 LMS report. Craig studies all learning systems on the market before releasing his lists. He ranks them all based on a variety of features. Growth Engineering have now made the list four years in a row.  


Case Study

Kiwi Ingenuity Meets German Engineering

Saarbruecken (GER), March 2018 – ELearning is one of the most important instruments that companies use to promote employee development in the digital age. Learn how the largest transportation company in New Zealand used the IMC Learning Suite to revolutionise their digital training. 


And the Winner Is ...

Top 100 eLearning Movers and Shakers List

Bob LittleLondon (UK), March 2018 - Now in its ninth year, the latest annual list of the Top 100 most influential people in the world’s corporate eLearning sector has been published. "There are 15 'New Entries' in this year’s List – with the highest of these being at numbers 59 and 75," commented the judges’ chairman, Bob Little. "Interestingly, this year’s List will also show some significant movement in individual placings compared with last year’s List. "


Integrated Service

Digital Content Solution from LEO and RWS

London (UK), February 2018 - LEO Learning, a global leader in learning content and technologies, and RWS, translation and localization experts, have joined forces to launch a complete content and translation solution for organizations seeking to deliver high-quality content in multiple languages.