
Seamless Experience

Filtered and Fuse Universal Collaborate on API Integration

Marc Zao-SandersLondon (UK), December 2018 - Marc Zao-Sanders, CEO and co-founder of Filtered, has revealed that the company has completed a successful API integration with Fuse Universal for telecommunications company Colt. The purpose was to bring learning recommendations to Colt's 5,000 staff through the Fuse Universal platform.


Tried-and-True Learning Method

Launch of MemoryBox, a Spaced Repetition Learning App

Memory BoxLondon (UK), December 2018 - PeopleUnboxed has launched a brand-new learning app called MemoryBox, which uses a unique spaced repetition algorithm to support knowledge retention. Gamification elements encourage learners to spend just a few minutes every day answering questions specifically tailored to them, delivering a truly personalised learning experience.


For All Staff Levels

Engage in Learning Offers Unconscious Bias Course

Gloucester (UK), December 2018 - The increasingly well-known eLearning supplier Engage in Learning has announced that it will be releasing a new course on unconscious bias in January. While Engage in Learning’s existing programme on unconscious bias is intended for managers, the new course is focused on helping all levels of staff to identify unconscious bias – and take steps of overcome it.


Content Matters

tt performance suite for IT-Supported Learning

Britt BürgyHeidelberg (GER), December 2018 - Heidelberg-based learning specialist tts has launched a new version of its performance support software tt performance suite. Besides improved stability and gamification elements to boost learners’ motivation, the fall release offers numerous new functions of particular interest to authors. "Feedback from our user group revealed that many users want more support when it comes to creating interactive learning content," explains tts Product Manager Britt Bürgy.


controlling and validating

How Blockchain Can Be Used in Digital Learning

Saarbruecken (GER), December 2018 - The term "blockchain" has become something of a buzzword in 2018, particularly when referencing cryptocurrencies – such as Bitcoin – and other burgeoning digital payment formats.


Totara Learn 12

New LMS Release Offers Industry-Leading Flexibility

London (UK), December 2018 - Totara Learning has just released Totara Learn 12, the latest version of its enterprise learning management system (LMS). Totara Learn uses open source technology providing organisations with full flexibility, scalability, and control over the learning experience.


Qualification Processes

Mobile Learning Opens Many Options for SMEs

Hagen (DE), November 2018 - Mobile learning can no longer be regarded as a trend; it has become an integral part and a set standard of learning media in the digital age. SMEs, however, often still have some catching up to do. The day-to-day business has priority and, as Dr. Erich Behrendt, head of Mittelstand 4.0 Kompetenzzentrum eStandards (SMEs 4.0 Competence Center for eStandards) explains, "Decision-makers have to deal with learning issues in the ongoing work process." Dr. Behrendt will talk about the advantages and developments of mobile learning for SMEs on 30 January 2019 at 11:30 at the LEARNTEC Congress.



Development Makes Strides, Both Technically and Exponential

Christian BöhlerIngolstadt / Essen (GER), December 2018 - "Corporate Learning 2025 - Are we making ourselves superfluous as trainers?" With this provocative question, Christian Böhler from innogy Se and Tobias Pickl from Audi will take the stage at LEARNTEC on 29 January 2019 at 16:30. This year, 2018, several representatives of large companies got together to reflect on how their situation as trainers in large corporations might look in 2025. They came up with several hypotheses that would appear to have predictive authority for corporate learning in 2025.


Enormous Potential

Positive Hands-on Experience Boosts the Use of AR

Jens HofmannDresden (GER), December 2018 - Jens Hofmann is a trainer and project manager at SBG Dresden, one of eastern Germany’s largest corporate training providers for the chemistry and pharmaceutical industries. Jens is responsible for the design and testing of new teaching and learning methods in basic and advanced vocational training. He will talk about his experience with augmented reality at the LEARNTEC Congress on 30 January 2019 at 16:15 in the session "Ready for ARBT? - Teaching and Learning Scenarios for Augmented Reality Based Training in the Field of Vocational Education".


Building Relationships

Learning through Reflection upon Experience

Torsten HardießKönigswinter (GER), December 2018 - Torsten Hardieß has investigated the issue of how "Alexa, chatbots, and similar tools individualize learning and improve transfer". The psychologist and his team are undertaking research into how human-machine interactions can be used successfully in the development of personnel and their individual personalities. He will speak at the LEARNTEC Congress, 31 January 2019 at 10:45.