
Serious Games

Learning by Playing - with Autonomy and the Flow Effect

Karlsruhe/Hamburg (GER), November 2011 - Games will be played at LEARNTEC 2012. Whereas the gaming area invites Conference attendees to an interactive experience zone at the trade fair where they can try out and experience digital learning games, they will also have the opportunity to discuss serious games' outlook and future with Dr. Maren Metz of the Helmut Schmidt University/University of the German Federal Armed Forces in Hamburg. In the following interview, Dr. Metz explains what distinguishes a "challenging serious game" that can be very probably be solved successfully, producing a flow effect and the related felling of happiness. » MORE

Enterprise 2.0

"We Still Have a Lot to Learn"

Karlsruhe/Leverkusen (GER), November 2011 - How useful are Web 2.0 applications for companies? When does an individual employee benefit? Ellen Trude, an expert on social media training and competence development at Bayer Business Service, will address these questions in her presentation at the LEARNTEC Conference. Her topic is entitled "Enterprise 2.0 - More than Wikis and Blogs". Trude has developed courses that introduce Bayer employees to network-based forms of collaborative work. » MORE


Connectivism - a Learning Theory for the Future

Karlsruhe/Weserbergland (GER), November 2011 - In the age of Wikipedia, Facebook, Twitter, etc., new forms of learning are developing. Gaining in importance is networked, more informal learning with the aid of social media during leisure time - but also in schools, universities, and the working world. Prof. Dr. Volkmar Langer, president of the Weserbergland University, will give a talk entitled "Connectivism as a Learning Model of the Future" at the LEARNTEC Conference on 31 January 2012 in the "Technology 2" session. » MORE


Usability of eLearning Applications

Karlsruhe/Ulm (GER), November 2011 - A workshop on the subject "Usability of eLearning Applications" is scheduled on the LEARNTEC Conference program on 01 February 2012 . Dr. Andreas Lehr, who has worked on this topic for years, has organized the afternoon event in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Ulrich Broeckl; it focuses on the user-centered design of eLearning applications. In the following, Dr. Lehr explains the current situation and the session's aims. » MORE

Next Generation

Digital Tools and Content Give Students More Control

Chicago, IL, (USA), November 2011 - "Education of the future" is the slogan of the OEB conference track in which Rick Noble, CEO of Edline Holdings, participate. Edline Holdings, Inc. provides technology solutions that help schools improve student performance. The title of his speech is "Engage Me! - Students Take Control". In the following he composes his picture of learning scenarios for the next generation. » MORE

Education For All

The Status of ICT in Cambodia in 2011

Phnom Penh (KH), November 2011 - Does ICT integration in teacher training work in developing countries? This is one of the questions of the OEB interactive learning café session with examples from three continents. David Dionys, Programme Coordinator ICT in education, presents here the current stand of ICT in Cambodia, where the education system has been reconstructed over the last three decades. » MORE

Curriculum Browsing

A New Way of Presenting Educational Information

Amsterdam (NL), November 2011 - The media industry is forging ahead in the development of compelling content, drawing on a fast-changing range of digital content tools. Jacob Molenaar, Advies en Projectleiding, The Netherlands, explains why the Semantic Web technology and information concepts promise to make heterogeneous information resources more easily accessible and where its would be expedient for presenting educational information. » MORE

The UNIQUe project

ELearning Quality Management in Russia

Moscow (RU), November 2011 - AKKORK is an independent professional agency in the field of consultancy, conduct of reviews, accreditation, and certification of educational institutions in Russia. It seeks to contribute to the development of these institutions and the whole education system. Erika Soboleva, Head of the International Office in the Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance and Career Development, will introduce the agency and its work in the OEB session "Ensuring Quality of Learning Delivery". Here, she kindly summarizes her presentation for CHECK.point eLearning. » MORE

Virtual Medical Campus

A Virtual Microscope Integrated into an eLearning Platform

Graz (A), November 2011 - The Medical University Graz has made a virtual microscope available to its students for nearly ten years, meaning that they have collected considerable experience in a practical solution to a specific learning challenge. Recently, the University procured a new one with especial teaching attributes. Dr. Herwig Rehatschek will explain it in detail in the OEB session "Practical Real-World Tips for Learning Challenges". » MORE

Spend More Time

How Not to Get Lost in the Ocean of Information

Stockholm (S), November 2011 - Ken Larsson's topic at OEB is called "The Challange for Supervision: Mass Individualisation of the Thesis Writing Process with Less Resources". He will present a critical view of students' motivation and the current situation of the approaches to the process of getting a theses done. » MORE