
New Environments

Breaking the Silence to Speak openly about HIV

Bellville (ZA), November 2011 - The OEB session "E-Health: From Technologies to Provision of Services and Information in Africa" will touch a series of existential topics. Prof. Tania Vergnani from the University of the Western Cape, South Africa will speak about HIV and ICT. The title "From Icy Cold Technology to Innovations for Collective Transformation" describes a high aspiration. She explains her experiences and her point of view together with her colleague James Lees. » MORE

Higher Education

Student Wins £20,000 Sir Ratan Tata Trust Scholarship

London (UK), November 2011 - Apeksha Vora, a graduate of the University of London International Programmes, has been awarded a £20,000 scholarship by the Sir Ratan Tata Trust (SRTT) to study International Development in the UK. She is enrolled for her scholarship-funded Masters in International Development at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), University of Sussex. » MORE

Boosting Efficiency

TopSchool Analyzes Career Services Drivers

Denver, CO (USA), October 2011 - TopSchool, an SaaS provider of Student Lifecycle Management (SLM) solutions for higher education, has published part two of its white-paper series, "Taking Career Services to the Next Level in Higher Education." It highlights the different steps students, employers, and institutions themselves need to go through in order to achieve higher placement rates. » MORE

Virtual Schools

Pearson Acquires Connections Education

London (UK), October 2011 - The learning company Pearson has announced the acquisition of Connections Education from an investor group led by Apollo Management, L.P. Through its Connections Academy business, the company operates online or "virtual" public schools in 21 states in the US - serving more than 40,000 students in the current school year. » MORE


Establishment of Saudi Electronic University Approved

Riyadh (SA), October 2011 - The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah Ibn Abdulaziz Al Saud, who is also the Premier and the Chairman of Higher Education Council, has approved the Council's decision on the establishment of Riyadh-based Saudi Electronic University. » MORE


New Interactive Simulation Tool for Educators

Cambridge, MA (USA), October 2011 - MIT Sloan has released "Fishbanks", a new, interactive simulation tool developed by MIT Sloan professors that creates a virtual world for students to explore issues related to sustainability. There is no cost to educators - or to any potential users around the globe - in accessing the simulator, which is available on the MIT Sloan Teaching Innovation Resources (MSTIR) website. » MORE

Theological Seminary

Taking the Distance out of Distance Learning

Lexington, KY (USA), October 2011 - Learning of the new program at Lexington Theological Seminary, with 2/3 of the classes online, "was obviously a godsend", says Michael Junkroski. And he quickly found that LTS students have a tight-knit community. » MORE


Establishment of Saudi Electronic University Approved

Riyadh (SA), September 2011 - The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah Ibn Abdulaziz Al Saud, who is also the Premier and the Chairman of Higher Education Council, has approved the Council's decision on the establishment of Riyadh-based Saudi Electronic University. » MORE

eLearning Award

University of East London Shortlisted

Pleasanton, CA (USA)/London (UK), September 2011 - The University of East London has been shortlisted by the eLearning Awards for immersive learning environments developed jointly with Toolwire. The University's submission features data on how immersive experiential learning impacts the student experience. » MORE

Documenting Experience

Migrants to Australia Embrace e-Portfolios

Brisbane (AU), September 2011 - Newly arrived migrants have participated in an eLearning project that provided them with a method to record their learning and employment experiences. The project, which was conducted by AMES (Adult Multicultural Education Services), piloted the use of e-portfolios by adult Cultural and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) learners. » MORE