

The Potential of Open Educational Practices

Brussels (B), June 2010 - Can increased use of ICT and new media, self-regulated learning, and the intelligent use of open educational resources drive the creative learning experience? Roberto Carneiro of the Catholic University of Portugal offers his perspective on the Spotlight on Open Educational Practices. » MORE


New President of EDEN

Budapest (HU), June 2010 - Morten Flate Paulsen, Professor of Online Education at NKI Distance Education, Norway, has been elected the new President of the European Distance Education Network (EDEN). He will take over from the current President, Alan Tait, Pro-Vice-Chancellor at the Open University, UK. The announcement was made in June at the EDEN 2010 Annual Conference in Valencia, Spain. » MORE

Career Development

Personalised Assessment Centre

London (UK), June 2010 - CrossKnowledge has joined forces with eGoPrism®, launching a solution to help HR departments, temping, and recruitment agencies - or even job centres - to address the major challenge they face in terms of accompaniment: implementing the large-scale individualisation of assessment programmes. » MORE

Collective Learning

Community ePortfolios for all?

London (UK), June 2010 - While a great deal of effort has been devoted to research on the individual ePortfolio and its implementation, the idea of a community ePortfolio has hardly been explored. Delegates to the London ePortfolio Conference (05-07 July 2010) will have the pleasure of listening to Darren Cambridge, who will present an "ePortfolio City in Augusta, Arkansas." » MORE

No More Paper

iPads Revolutionize Learning in the IMD Classroom

Lausanne (CH), June 2010 - Following its recent launch, the iPad has proven to be an instant hit for millions of consumers. It has also been a great success in the classrooms of Swiss Business School IMD. "After having piloted the iPad in a partnership programme with Allianz Global Investors at the beginning of May, I am convinced that this device will revolutionize executive education", states IMD Professor Bettina Büchel. "The feedback from IMD Faculty, staff, and the participants was overwhelmingly positive." » MORE

Open Source

eLML Wins IMS Learning Impact Award 2010 Silver Medal

Zurich (CH), June 2010 - The eLML team received the silver medal at the IMS Learning Impact Awards 2010 in Long Beach, California in the category "New/Research and Development". The Learning Impact Awards are designed to recognize the most impactful use of technology worldwide in support of learning. » MORE


Boost for Charities Working with Children and Youth

Leeds (UK), June 2010 - Safeguarding Children eAcademy, a UK-based provider of online child-protection training courses donates a sizeable percentage of its revenues to child-related causes annually. Since 2007, it has handed over £54,000 to child-related charities, the majority nominated by the eAcademy's growing 65-strong UK membership, predominantly Local Safeguarding Children Boards. » MORE

Open Repository

MA Level Writing Courses Now Available Online and Free

Falmouth/Cornwall (UK), May 2010 - University College Falmouth has launched a website making its teaching resources free to learners all over the world. If you ever wondered about becoming a screenwriter or considered doing a Masters course but not sure if you're up to it, now's the chance to have a go. » MORE

Educational Experience

Using KEWL and Other Open Source Tools to Train Future Teachers

Johannesburg (ZA), May 2010 - Claudette Ann Muller's presentation at eLearning Africa 2010 will provide a detailed look at the delivery of a course entitled Online Teaching and Learning. It is part of the program for Bachelor of Education Honors students at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa and addresses issues related to teaching in an online environment within an online environment. In the following, Claudette Muller outlines her talk. » MORE

Case study

Powerful Mobile Devices Continue to Contribute to Education

London (UK), May 2010 - How can mobile phones add real value to students' learning experience? The varied components needed to ensure an appropriate educational design will be discussed at eLearning Africa 2010. Niall Winters from London Knowledge Lab will present a case study from Zanzibar: Veterinary Training with Mobile Phones. » MORE