Better Suite of Teaching Tools

Lynnfield / Nottingham, December 2005 - The University of Nottingham continues to push forward its innovative elearning strategy with the roll-out of WebCT Campus Edition 6 across the institution. It will give academics in thirty schools a suite of teaching tools that can be blended into the courses they offer to more than 30,000 students.

WebCT Campus Edition 6 enables course-specific discussion forums, tools to monitor progress, group research projects, and much simpler access to shared teaching and reference material.

"By fully integrating WebCT Campus Edition 6 into our existing systems, we're creating an extremely powerful learning zone. We're committed to the provision of innovative and user friendly elearning systems for the growing number of staff and students who access our online information portal", said David Ford, Head of Applications Development and Support within Information Services at the University of Nottingham.

For the past seven years, the University of Nottingham has been pioneering electronic teaching and study. By 2004, a quarter of all modules were supported by elearning resources, with 650 courses incorporating WebCT Campus Edition 3.7. The success of the project led to today's decision to upgrade and expand significantly.