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Commonwealth Jubilee Time Capsule

London (UK), March 2011 - In honour of Her Majesty The Queen's Diamond Jubilee, The Royal Commonwealth Society (RCS) is assembling the world's largest online time capsule, which will cover each day of her sixty years as Head of the Commonwealth. The RCS is inviting people all over the world, young and old, to contribute memories from the last sixty years, whether in the form of stories, photographs, films, or videos.

The best entries - one for each of the 21,915 days that make up the last sixty years - will be sealed into the capsule and presented to Her Majesty The Queen as a gift from the Commonwealth family to mark her Diamond Jubilee celebrations in 2012. The rest of the content will continue to exist online as a resource for students and teachers, historians, and academics. The result will be a unique social archive of the people's history of the Commonwealth.

People everywhere are invited to add their story to the archive. Contributors don't need to be from a Commonwealth country to put something in the capsule, but the content must be about a Commonwealth country. It could be a holiday, a major event, where someone of the family was born - anything really - as long as it involves on of the 54 Commonwealth nations!

Each contribution can consist of a maximum of five items. One of these must be a description as to why it was put in - a message to the world really telling them why it's important to the person contributing. Accepted content types include video, audio, photos, drawings, and poems.

A Diamond Jubilee is a rare event, and there hasn't been one since Queen Victoria's in 1879. The Jubilee celebrations will be held in June 2012, when celebrations will take place across the Commonwealth.