Euronews Campus

Compostela Group of Universities & Euronews Team Up

Santiago (E), April 2014 - The international media group Euronews and the international association of higher-education institutions Compostela Group of Universities (CGU) have signed an agreement foreseeing a set of strategic joint actions aimed at providing better training opportunities for students and fostering online education.

Through the core initiative of this agreement, "Euronews Campus", the news channel will facilitate the use of its audiovisual contents as tools for online education and language- teaching courses at the CGU member institutions. Being provided with live broadcast of Euronews and using its magazines (as VOD), the CGU universities will be able to take advantage of updated course material, especially interesting for journalism, communication, business, international relations, politics, science, and language studies.

In the mid-term, the agreement also envisages that the Communications Offices of the CGU member institutions share their most relevant video news with Euronews.

Traineeships at Euronews for outstanding students from CGU institutions

The most immediate of the planned actions of this new partnership is the involvement of Euronews in the CGU's International Video Contest for Students, a competition that in its current round involves nineteen universities from eleven countries. The TV channel will offer a training placement to the winner of the competition, and it will also have a representative among the jury who may identify other highly talented students and give them the same opportunity. These trainees will be integrated in the departments and daily working routines at Euronews, with a working agenda that will serve to improve their professional skills.

The Compostela Group of Universities, with 67 members from 27 countries, decided last July to award the XVII International Prize Grupo Compostela-Xunta de Galicia to Euronews, the leading news channel in Europe, currently broadcasting in thirteen languages. The award ceremony took place in September in Nantes, where talks on these initiatives began.