To Help Irish Students

Free Online Leaving Certificate Maths Resources Launched

Project MathsGalway (IE), May 2013 -, in a joint venture with the Galway Education Centre, and the Athenry Maths Academy, have announced the launch of a free interactive maths resource for the Irish Leaving Certificate Maths Course, for both Higher and Ordinary level. The resources launched cover "Strand One" of the Maths Curriculum, which covers the areas of probability and statistics, areas of traditional difficulty among Irish students.


The resources are aligned with the revised Project Maths guidelines and were edited by current Project Maths teachers working in the Galway area.  Should the free resources for Strand One prove popular, the remaining four strands will be rolled out later this year.

Speaking at the launch, Minister of State at the Department of Education Ciaran Cannon stated, "The launch of these free resources provides a tremendous tool set for Leaving Certificate maths students, in terms of both complementing the excellent teaching already going on within the classroom, but also in making additional quality teaching resources available to students outside and external to the classroom. These resources can assist every young student in gaining an ever-deeper understanding of quite complex mathematical concepts. Having these extra resources available free and online allows students to enhance their understanding at a pace of their own choosing."

Commenting on the launch, ALISON CEO and founder, Mike Feerick explained, "Alliances such as this between industry and public-sector education are vital now more than ever in these difficult economic times and are exactly what is needed to propel Ireland forward into the new knowledge-based economy of the future. We have created a unique and essential product that is now available to students all over Ireland at no cost and which will even out the playing field for students from disadvantaged areas while making the curriculum more accessible to any pupil requiring extra support".

The maths courses are made up of video lectures and interactive lessons from teachers and tutors from all over the world. A Certificate of Completion is awarded to students who complete the courseware.

The resources are open for free to anyone worldwide. However, members of the Irish workforce who work in a growing knowledge economy in which acquiring probability and statistical skills is increasingly important are particularly encouraged to up-skill.