
Higher Education Exploring ICT Use for Lifelong Learning

Brussels (BE), April 2009 - HEXTLEARN invites colleagues to network and collaborate. HEXTLEARN is an international community of Higher Education Institutions willing to share their experience related to using ICT!

In this community participants are able to:

  • Get information and access to best practices on integration of ICT in teaching, learning, and innovation in an academic environment;
  • Share individual understanding about quality management and strategies in teaching and training with ICTs;
  • Add your word and be part of a community for experts and peer reviewers at the European level in support of innovation and modernisation of Higher Education.

Activities in Progress

The partnership is now mapping ICT use in the pedagogical, organisational, and institutional context by collecting best practices and preparing for peer reviews. New institutions are invited to join.

Campus education, corporate training, continuing professional development, adult education, local and regional development, school-teacher training, distance education, international (virtual) mobility, and prior learning assessment are the key areas for this desk research in progress. The partners have established a mapping methodology to contact and invite institutions with relevant experience and share their experience in the field.

To contribute with your best practice in one of the above fields, participants are invited to visit and fill in the online "expression of interest" form.

Peer review methodology for mapping ICT use in HEIs has been developed and will be used in the higher-education institutions. The dimensions of the peer reviews will be established according to the needs of the institutions (e.g. an institutional or a small team's need to learn from others and improve/change the organization system approach).