Call for Applications

The Doctoral Programme in Education and ICT

UOCBarcelona (E), February 2014 - The Open University of Catalonia, UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) is a fully accredited online university based in Barcelona and serving over 60,000 students worldwide. The eLearn Center is its research centre focusing on eLearning. The University and the research centre welcome doctoral students who want to develop their research in a highly qualified and international setting and in a doctoral programme that forms part of the Bologna process.

UOCBarcelona (E), February 2014 - The Open University of Catalonia, UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) is a fully accredited online university based in Barcelona and serving over 60,000 students worldwide. The eLearn Center is its research centre focusing on eLearning. The University and the research centre welcome doctoral students who want to develop their research in a highly qualified and international setting and in a doctoral programme that forms part of the Bologna process.

Prospective applicants can find information on the application procedure, the content, and the organization of the doctoral programme on the University’s website.

The Centre has three main lines of research: learning processes mediated by information and communication technologies; organization, management and policies in the field of eLearning, and educational uses of technological developments for eLearning.

The programme offers the possibility to develop industrial doctorates, with grants for the best applicants with agreements with companies. Doctoral students undertaking an industrial doctorate will have a university supervisor and a tutor at the company.

The call for the Doctoral Programme in Education and ICT (eLearning) is open for the 2014/2015 academic year. Applications are accepted at any time, but the current call is only open to those candidates who provide all the documentation required by 01 April 2014.