
To Facilitate Web-based Studies

Helsinki (FI), April 2008 - Competencies, Scoping and Monitoring of Web-Based Learning (KoMiTi) is a two-year project coordinated by the University of Kuopio, Finland. One of its aims has been to give visibility to web-based learning, which is often perceived of as invisible. The results of the project are assembled in the manual Skills, Hourglasses and Statistics. The project also produced a web-based course planning tool for teachers called Aada&Aaron.

The KoMiTi project aimed to find answers to the following questions, among others:

  • How can teachers promote the development of general academic skills in web-based learning?
  • Do students have sufficient time for deep learning?
  • How are web-based studies recorded and monitored, and how can the statistics be used?

Skills, Hourglasses and Statistics helps teachers to group competences and define learning targets. The manual also offers tools for course scoping and for students' time-use reporting. In addition, it examines the utilization of statistics on web-based learning from different perspectives. The volume also features a case that links the development tools to teachers' everyday work.

The project produced a tool called Aada&Aaron for designing web-based teaching. The tool helps teachers to evaluate and improve teaching in individual courses. The use of the Aada&Aaron tool creates awareness of general academic proficiencies and makes the time and effort needed for web-based learning visible. The Aaron component of the tool also helps in reporting students' time use. The development of time-management skills is seen important for academic professionals in the information society.

Aada&Aaron is freely available for higher education institutions. User manuals for students, teachers, and system administrators are available in Finnish and Swedish on the project website. Use of the tool does not require particular server equipment or software, but its use does require that universities designate a staff member as administrator for the tool.

KoMiTi, which was implemented in 2006-2007, is a joint project of the University of Kuopio, the University of Turku, and the Tritonia Learning Centre (University of Vaasa, Åbo Akademi University in Vasa, Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration).