
Brandon Hall Gold Awards for LINE and TIS

London (UK)/Mumbai (IN), December 2011 -Tata Interactive Systems (TIS), a provider of learning solutions, has won three Brandon Hall Gold awards this year - for Learning Nuggets, Serious-Game-Based Learning, and TOPSIM. In addition, LINE Communications has received a Gold award for the best use of Mobile Learning.

The Brandon Hall Excellence in Learning Awards recognise innovation and best practice in the technology-enabled-learning marketplace. The awards programme is a major international showcase that regularly attracts hundreds of entries from over forty countries across the various categories.

LINE developed the Fire Control Orders (FCO) programme in collaboration with the Royal School of Artillery. The programme uses the iPad as the delivery vehicle for a highly motivational and cost-effective learning programme that supports the effectiveness of the Royal Artillery in active combat. The ability of the iPad to enable learners to network with others using the same devices was a key reason for choosing the Apple product to deliver the learning, and this feature is built into elements of the learning design of the programme.

TIS won Golds for Best Use of Performance Support, Best Learning Game, and Best Sales Leadership Training Program and Bronze for Best Custom Content category. TIS's awards have come in for the company's innovative product formats like 100 Seconds Learner developed for Credit Suisse, which is a new learning format for time-pressed executives. These short learning capsules, which can be organized in a broadcast room, aim to enhance managerial acumen and build soft skills to deliver behavioural change.

The next product to win Gold is Serious Games at UnitedHealthcare. The third Gold was awarded for the TOPSIM Simulation programme at UnitedHealthcare. TOPSIM Simulations are advanced and comprehensive models that simulate operating environments, for instance, of a start-up, of the marketing function within a company, of the overall management of a company, of global markets, or the macro-economics of a country, among others.

A further Bronze was awarded to the Simulation program at University of Maryland University College. Simulations are learning products based on the learning-by-doing philosophy. They are used to provide concise and focused insights into any subject within a short time-”only 30-45 minutes.