Community Involvement

Cameras Roll on Collaborative Video Learning Project

Stroud (UK), January 2012 - Members of The Charity Learning Consortium are busy filming for a huge collaborative video learning project. All members have been offered a free flip camera to create short pieces of video learning to share with other members of the community.

Members of The Charity Learning Consortium (CLC) have enthusiastically embraced a collaborative video learning project after 200 Flip Cameras were given to them by Cisco through a partnership with the Charity Technology Exchange (CTXchange). The cameras are being shared amongst the more than 100 charities that are members of the CLC.

Each member of the Consortium has been challenged to produce three short pieces of video learning for the massive group venture. The videos will ultimately be posted on a special YouTube channel.

The project received the thumbs up from members when they collected their cameras at a recent meeting in London, where they discussed ideas for video content. These include asking their charity chiefs why L&D is important to their organisation or what their top management tip might be.

Martin Baker, founder and CEO of the Consortium, says he was thrilled that Cisco, via CTXchange, had contributed the cameras, which are now being put to great use. Members of the Consortium had really "embraced the challenge", he says, "What our members lack in budget they make up for in enthusiasm and creativity. They have really embraced this challenge wholeheartedly, and I can't wait to see the results!"

Richard Cooper, Development Manager at the Charity Technology Trust, which co-ordinates the CTXchange programme, says, "It's so great to see charities putting these donated Flip cameras to such good use. Videos are a great way for organisations to share knowledge and expertise, and we are so pleased that CTXchange has been able to facilitate this."