Risk Assessment

EssentialSkillz Launches Updated Version of ErgoWize

Milton Keynes (UK)/Galway (IE), February 2012 - eLearning provider EssentialSkillz has launched a newly updated and enhanced version of its popular DSE risk-assessment and training software ErgoWize. The course became available 30 January 2012.

ErgoWize is fully customizable so that the specific requirements of any particular individual business can be met, as the course content can be edited and modified according to the wishes of the client. EssentialSkillz new service, O-LAS Branding, also enables the courses to be branded so that any business can apply their own particular branding style to EssentialSkillz's O-LAS learning management system (LMS) and comprehensive suite of courses.

The newly updated ErgoWize course has been redesigned so that it now comes with even more interactive features that fully demonstrate the best ergonomic advice currently available in an informative, stylish and concise manner. The increased element of interactivity encourages the user of the software to participate more actively in the knowledge-transition process.

On top of the refined delivery of course content, there are multiple other benefits to using ErgoWize, according to EssentialSkillz. They state that the online content can be delivered across multiple sites and thus offers the attraction of convenience to larger companies.

Although the uncertain economic climate is currently causing a lot of businesses to review their budgets, EssentialSkillz argue that the newly updated ErgoWize course will not only safeguard the health and safety of the office worker, but it can ultimately help eliminate many potentially high, long-term costs for a business.

Managing Director of EssentialSkillz Julian Roberts explains, "The workplace has seen an increase in sick days, musculoskeletal injuries, compensation claims, and fines in recent times, so getting the workforce fully trained and up to speed with expert ergonomic guidelines is more important than ever. We think this new version of ErgoWize not only protects the safety of the workforce but potentially also protects the long-term financial security of the company itself".