Specialist Courses

Financial Services Training Company to Offer eLearning

London (UK), June 2012 - Webanywhere, the Yorkshire-based workplace-learning solutions provider, is delivering an innovative online training platform based on its Traininganywhere LMS to FinTuition, an international training company operating in the Finance sector.

FinTuition offers a wide range of specialist training courses to customers in the securities finance sector across Europe, North America, and Asia. The firm also provides in-house training, predominantly using a classroom-based model with subject-matter experts to deliver its courses. FinTuition is seeking to develop its proposition to include an eLearning component.

FinTuition prides itself on quality delivery, so the main concern was the quality of the LMS solution and a go-to market proposition that matched Fintuition's quality criteria. However, as this is a new activity for FinTuition, the solution needed to be financially viable, without the substantial upfront investment demanded by many commercial learning-management systems (LMS).

Traininganywhere is Webanywhere's cost-effective, low-risk, revenue-based "course container" model for training companies and content developers to take their training content to market. As part of the Traininganywhere solution, Webanywhere provided Fintuition with a Moodle-based LMS (with a themed course template), integrated e-store, cloud hosting, support, and consultancy.

Ted Hall, Sales and Marketing Manager at FinTuition comments, "As relative newcomers to eLearning, we chose Traininganywhere as the optimal solution for our model as it matched our demanding quality criteria, but also offered a reduced entry cost to facilitate the setting up and operation of our online training service. The quality LMS, low set-up fees, and a 'pay-as-you-go' model make it the most appropriate option for hosting and commercialising our course content."