Community Support

Global Knowledge Runs for Evie

Wokingham (UK), March 2011 - A team from the IT-training organisation Global Knowledge have run the Wokingham half marathon to raise money for a two-year-old little girl suffering from quadriplegia cerebral palsy. In a bid to meet the target and fund Evie's treatment, Global Knowledge has promised to match whatever the team raises.

Evie's condition is such that she has very limited movement and struggles to walk. The surgery she needs - Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) - is only available at the St Louis Hospital in Missouri and involves severing some of the sensory nerve fibres that come from the muscles and enter the spinal cord.

"The operation is most effective when the child is two or four years old", explains Glyn. "Evie turns three this month, and with £15,000 still to find, it's a rush against time - so we were really grateful when Global Knowledge pledged to match the total."

The nine-man team at Global Knowledge, none of whom have run a half-marathon before, took up the challenge after hearing of Evie's plight through Glyn. "It was very much a collective decision to run the marathon and do it for Evie", he explains.

"I've known Evie since she was born, but since working at Global Knowledge, the company has become very involved with her journey. Despite all our varying degrees of fitness, they didn't take much persuading to take part. So far we've raised around £3000 from the run, which gets us closer to our total. We're so glad we did it and really encourage people to keep donating."