Learning Developments

Holographic Tutors and Skin Assessment

Brighton (UK), April 2011 - Imagine a future where students not only have a holographic tutor, but their engagement with the learning could also be measured via biometric technology. Well, imagine no more - it's arrived in Brighton.

eLearning specialists Brightwave have applied cutting-edge techniques to 'transport' subject experts into any workplace across the world, as long as the end user has the right hardware and software.

Furthermore, a desktop pad that measures skin conductivity can assess criteria vital for learning such as heart rate, adrenal levels, and even a person's alpha brain waves via electroencephalographic (EEG) readings.

Holographic imagery is made possible with speckle interferometry (widely used to produce ultrasound scans) and photorefractive crystals to capture and transmit a dual image array on a single focal plane. The Brightwave team are rolling out the "Holotutor" and "Conductipads" across their range of workplace learning solutions.

Managing Director Charles Gould says of the innovations, "Our holographic tutors are beamed into homes across the world. It's like being Mike Teevee from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It's also reassuring to be able to truly measure learner engagement during the sessions. This will help us provide a learner experience that is both immersive and memorable."