New Partnership

JZero Solutions Delivers Online Training for Airwave

London (UK), April 2012 - Airwave has chosen JZero Solutions as their learning-management- system (LMS) partner to host and deliver online training solutions to its clients. JZero's JLMS Enterprise platform will be the driving force behind the delivery platform.

Hosting Airwave developed content, client-developed content, and off-the-shelf content, and JLMS Enterprise provides clients with a sophisticated LMS that makes it easy and intuitive for learners to access their training. The administration portal provides snapshot data and a suite of reports that are quick and easy to use, reducing the time spent on administration tasks.

JZero Solutions also provides Airwave with bespoke portal development services for those clients who wish to have a learner-interface experience that is specific to their area of business.

JLMS Enterprise offers clients ease of access to their learning content and a wealth of administration functionality to manage users, learning paths, content - including classroom and virtual based events - and track usage. JZero Solutions' additional products provide seamless authentication, data systems integration, and an e-commerce solution.

JZero Solutions' experience in developing and implementing enterprise LMSs means that Airwave will offer a powerful tool for setting up, implementing, and managing employees' learning needs and activities.

"JZero have given us a feature-rich platform, and their technical expertise in the LMS development space has meant we can provide tailored solutions to our clients to meet their specific needs", says David Sangster, UK Services Director at Airwave.