Video Learning

Nancarrow Partnerships Announces Support for GiveBackUK

Southampton / London (UK), September 2015 - Following the award of funding to support the growth of GivebackUK, long-time admirers Nancarrow Partnerships proudly announce their support of the project.

GivebackUK, a non-profit organisation, wants to help charitable organisations with workplace and professional development by creating an inspirational and free video learning library called Clear Lessons. The project has gone from strength to strength and is expected to have a big effect in the not-for-profit industry when it’s launched in 2016.

The progress and potential of GivebackUK has recently been recognised in their award of UFI funding. This funding has allowed the continuing production of the invaluable video learning resources that will be available to charities across the country.

The Vocational Learning Tech Fund by UFI has been awarded to help create "The Charity Series" and will look at improving vocational skills within the sector. The Charity Series will create videos that can help decrease the skills gaps within the sector such as fundraising, marketing, social media, governance, and HR, and it will ultimately help make third-sector organisations more efficient.

Nancarrow Partnerships’ MD, Issy Nancarrow, is a long-time admirer of GivebackUK (and a contributor to the Clear Lessons project). She is proudly announcing her business’s support of the project. With a strong background in the Learning & Development industry, Issy thoroughly understands the value of professional and workplace development, something that is seldom available to professionals in the charitable sector.

"It’s so important that those professionals in the UK third sector are no longer overlooked when it comes to learning and development." Issy Nancarrow continues, "GivebackUK’s ‘Clear Lessons’ will have a great, positive effect on the 160,000 plus UK-based charities that don’t have the budget or resources to support their organisation with learning and development. We’re proud to announce our support for GivebackUK."